MP : ವಾಚಕರ ಪತ್ರ : United Nations please support


United Nations, NATO should act.
It’s totally failure on the part of world forum.
What has happened in Afghanistan is totally wrongful.
Women, children, girls, ladies, senior citizens are running for life.
Taliban we request you to save humanity, bloodshed will not solve problems.
Three people falling from the flight, to safeguard their life is really a horrific situation.
World body should unite to save humanity, they are all our brothers and sisters.
It’s not the right time to complain on one other in these trying circumstances.
Vested interests might have played a dominant role in over throw of the Afghan regime, but humanity has to be safe.
The agony, pain being seen on the faces of people in Afghanistan are horrible and shocking.
Will United Nations act immediately or still they are thinking what to do.
Do we really need such type of body, just to pretend they are problems solving organization.
If it would have happened to our childrens, our parents and well wishers were we keeping quite.
During second world war times, proper connectivity were not there, people had to travel in ships, now when we have all facilities, in our finger tips, we are failing in our responsibility.
America has to think twice, for the wrong doings they have done in these trying circumstances.
We humbly request Taliban not to harm citizens.
There is a beautiful quote,
If you are a Hindu, please be a pure hindu.
If you are a muslim, be a pure muslim.
And if you are a Christian be a pure Christain.
Respect each religion and respect humanity.
Live and let live.
Save humanity
